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A care-led recovery from coronavirus

The economic crisis of unemployment and inequality consequent upon the Covid-19 pandemic is only just beginning. A recession and consequent job losses are inevitable. This is a bleak picture, but the Covid-19 pandemic has also catalysed a revaluation of our care, health and employment structures, exposing pre-existing problems. This is an important moment for transformative change: for an economic stimulus that focuses on care. This briefing sets out why much-needed investment in care would promote employment, reduce the gender employment gap and would be a first step in building a resilient, sustainable and more equal economy.

Jerome De Henau & Susan Himmelweit. (2020). A Care-Led Recovery from Coronavirus. Women’s Budget Group.

Gender Working Group

We meet online every month to discuss key issues, activities, opportunities and ideas for collaboration. We have a long and growing list of resources on gender and public health emergencies.



Gender Working Group

We meet online every month to discuss key issues, activities, opportunities and ideas for collaboration. We have a long and growing list of resources on gender and public health emergencies.

